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Job Vacancies at PNG NISIT

 The Papua New Guinea National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology (PNG NISIT) is the National Standards Body responsible for overseeing of all standardization, quality assurance and conformity assessment  activities in Papua New Guinea. Enacted as an Act of Parliament in 1993 — NISIT Act 1993, the Institute commenced  operations in 1994 with the responsibility for national standardization activities in Papua New Guinea.

The Institute is now inviting suitable candidates with the appropriate qualification and experience to apply for the  following positions. Recent and fresh graduates are encouraged to apply as well for the entry roles (Gr.6 — Gr.9).

Job Positions


  • Housing is not provided at present.
  • All jobs with the grading from GR.IO - GR.13 are all senior Contract Positions that attract specific allowances in addition to their respective base salary. (**)


To begin the process of applying please enter the link below or scan the QR code to get you through. Take note of all  the instructions you encounter in the process online. Applicants are encouraged to have a genuine personal email  address to ease the process when applying. No hard copy applications will be entertained in this exercise.

Enter url: https://forms.office.com/r/agvyL2XbYG or scan me:

Ensure to have soft copies of your CV, qualifications, and other credentials ready on hand when applying. Your EOI can be addressed to the below provided address. As a government policy, NID Certificate and card is required.

The HR Manager

National Institute of Standards and Industrial Technology

P O Box 3042


Job Descriptions can be downloaded on our official website www.nisit.gov.pg.

Application deadline is 27th of May 2024 before 4.06pm (COB).

Only shortlisted applicants would be notified for an interview.

You may follow us on our official business website, LinkedIn, and Facebook pages for this recruitment.

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Next: Jobs at Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG)

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