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Data Analytics PNG IRC Graduate Program 2023

 Are you a RECENT GRADUATE between the ages of 21 and 25, eager to build your career in Data Analytics in Taxation?

Are you interested in being part of the Tax Intelligent Team?

Are you willing to serve the nation by studying and analyzing data insights to describe and predict human behavior?

How to Apply

Refer to flyer below. 

Furnish your expression of interest with your CV, evidence of educational qualifications, and transcript to the Recruitment Team at recruitmentofficer@irc.gov.pg.

You may also hand deliver your application to Bogan Gapo Building Level 3, HR Department, or submit it by post

The Manager, Recruitment

Internal Revenue Commission (IRC)

PO Box 777, Port Moresby, NCD

Phone 307 7095/307 7102/307 7117/3226958

Closing Date: Friday 17th March 2023

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