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PNG Department of ICT DICT Graduate Internship Program

The Papua New Guinea Department of Information Communication  Technology (DICT) provides Graduate internships programs to aspiring young Papua New Guineans. 

DICT Internship Program targets at fresh graduates from the Universities. Its  intention is  to mold and develop a young talent that can contribute meaningfully to the organization’s overall objectives.

PNG Department of ICT DICT  Internship Program [Photo credit DICT]

The DICT internship program requires the graduates to undertake an immersive assignment within the organizations for a period of 3 months. It offers the students an opportunity to gain hands-on practical or organizational exposure; to integrate the knowledge and skills acquired during this period; interact with professionals and other interns; and to improve their presentation, writing, research and communication skills. 

The DICT Internship Program aims to:

  • a) For the Graduates to apply their learning, analytical, integrative, team skills in the work environment
  • b) Provide a Networking opportunities with staff within and partner organizations
  • c) Gives the opportunity for this Department to avoid the lengthy recruitment process and easily select from the intern pool to fill up immediate vacancies as they exist.
  • d) An opportunity to pre-placement offers depending on performance and need within.

Interns Main Tasks
These are the major focus areas during the internship program:
  1.  Engage in a specific field of interest and from time to time rotating within Wings and Divisions/Branches and assisting where necessary
  2.  Research into the current field of interest and compare and come up with innovative ideas based on your interest to assist the Department move forward.
  3.  Recommend to your immediate supervisor the areas of improvement where you think is necessary for change or intervention.
  4.  Assist in writing correspondences, adhering to any adhoc duties that may require your immediate assistance as part of your learning and developmental experiences that will compliment your work and future studies.
  5.  Assist in organizing events and other logistical administrative duties
  6.  Assist when directed by your superiors.

Internship Duration and Location
The Internship Program is for 3 month duration commencing November and end in January annually. The program will be run within the DICT Office premises located at Tisa Ruma, Level 1,2 & 3 at Waigani, Port Moresby. From time to time, interns will sit in meetings, attend workshops, seminars and required to do short brief where necessary to your supervisor.

Eligibility & Requirement for DICT Internship Programs

DICT ONLY accepts Interns based on following requirements;
  1.  The intern must be enrolled or just completed his/her four-year degree programme in a recognized University or equivalent institution within the Country and or Overseas Country
  2.  Have NOT previously undertaken a similar program elsewhere.
  3. Must be between the ages of 20-26 years old.
  4. Proficiency in English both written and oral and be able to demonstrate it during this period of engagement.
  5. Must be a computer literate and familiar with latest software applications and hardware component of the operating system
  6. The applicant must be aware of the ICT trends and development within the country and around the Globe
  7.  Keen interest to work in the ICT space and contribute meaningfully during his/her tenure.
  8. Must interact with all staff openly with respect and avoid any group or individuals with other interest other than support towards achieving DICT main goals and objectives.
Benefits of DICT Internship program
DICT assistance to the Interns
  1. Certificate of Completion or Attainment
  2. Reference Letter in regard to the program
  3. One off Payment at the end of the Program
  4. One return ticket to your home Province (if you are flying in)
  5. Transportation provided for pick up and drop off to nearest bus stops
NOTE: Accommodation is not part of this program

How to apply for DICT Internship program in PNG

Anyone interested to apply for DICT must use the following addresses. 

Address and Contact Point

Your application MUST have the following:

a) Completed internship application form provided (download from website www.ict.gov.pg

b) Reference letter from the Institution

c) Educational qualification including latest Academic Transcript from the Institution.

and emailed to below address:

Billy Seri

Human Resource Manager

Corporate Services Division

Department of Information & Communication Technology

P O Box 784, Waigani, NCD.

Papua New Guinea.

Level 2, Tisa Ruma, Waigani, Islander drive, Hohola.

Email: billy.seri@ict.gov.pg and

Landline: (675) 325 0171 or BMob (675) 75227210

Disclaimer : The information contained on this page has been sourced through a third party and the data has been used for illustration and information purposes only. This DICT Internship Program  data is approximate in nature and subject to change. Please confirm any information with individual organization or DICT.

source : DICT   PNG 

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